Friday 31 October 2014

Nail and sumdog in action

This week R3 learnt about the Curve of Pursuit from Mrs Hodge and have now applied it to their nail art. Here is the proof of the pudding!

Monday 20 October 2014

Daikon season is here at last!

With Spring finally here our Daikon growers Natalie, Hannah and Carla were able to harvest thirty two Daikon for the class to take home to experiment with. Here is the evidence of the Japanese Radish which is usually cooked in soups or grated and mixed as a dipping sauce for tempura. Recipe to follow shortly.

Another happening in Room 3 with the  desks set up in a horseshoe shape which enhances collaboration among our learners. There always seems to be a pair who find a new use for a protractor. Can you spot the difference?