Thursday, 28 May 2015

Room 4 Science Experiments

Today Room 4 did their Science Experiments that we had been planning for a few weeks.Some of them were related to the topic Geohazards. Here are Claire and Grace making a volcanic eruption with baking soda and white vinegar. We also made 3D models of Geohazards. The following were made: a tsunami, tornado etc. By Alyssa J.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Room 4's Excursion to Te Papa by Train

On Friday May 1st we were transported to Waikanae Station by our trans supportive parents. We hopped on the 9 am kiwirail service and off we travelled to Wellington. When we arrived in Wellington it was a quick walk to the Waterfront which was a short cut for our power walk to Te Papa. Here are few pictures of our excursion and what was at the Gallipoli Exhibition.