Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Tukutuku Panels Underway.

 Since the last Friday  Art Day, we were a little short on supplies arriving on time. Thanks to Mr Staples and students for painting our peg boards, we have created the border trimmings and will be underway to start the poutama on our next planned Friday if not sooner.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Tree Planting at the Waiwiri Lake/ Papaitonga Scenic Reserve

On Thursday 13th August, Year 7/8 students were transported by parents and staff to Arawhata Road for the Tree Planting service organized by the Department of Conservation (DOC) and Forest and Bird Volunteer Foundation. The sun was shining when the temperatures were quite mild, snow could be seen on the Tararua Ranges, there was also frost on the ground.

At 10am Hayden from Ngati Raukawa said a karakia to begin our official day and then Nathan Lightbourne introduced us to how the roots needed to be handled for planting man dug holes. Six groups were formed and were accompanied with DOC and Forest and Bird supervisor. An hour later the weed mats and corrugated covers were placed over the plants to protect them from too much sun, wind, bunnies and frost.

At 12pm most of the planting was completed and there was only one group to complete laying the weed mat and coverings which many other students assisted . Lunch was eaten with the volunteer workers sharing their mandarins and apples with students.

After lunch there was a short walk to the wetlands where a number of different flying species could be heard and viewed when the group were quiet enough. Johannes did the honours of thanking our supervisors, before we returned to the car park. All cars were filled and parents drove their carload back to school.

The experience will always be treasured as the trees will hopefully be sustainable for futue generations to enjoy. Ohau School, you are Star Planters!

Monday, 10 August 2015

Resource Sustainability

Room 4 had their first lesson of Zero Waste Education with Sandra E Horowhenua District Council.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Our Year 8's get a Taste of College Life for the Day

On Tuesday our Year 8 students had their College visits. In the morning they spent time at Horowhenua College and in the afternoon they visited Waiopehu College. Here are some snapshots of their experience.