Saturday, 21 November 2015

Read Read Read and Review

Just wandering with all the competitions our class has been involved it I wonder whether we are the proficient readers we were at the start of the term if not better.

Here is a link which provides freekidsbooks of which I will be using in our reading programme next week as a follow up of Narrative Writing.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

AG Day Stalls

Today was the day for completing posters for Y7/8 stalls.
Their task was to create or re use the posters from previous years to look and draw the customers to the products they were selling.

Here are the posters in progress.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Room 4 have entered another competition.

 The top 4 school submissions will win an additional $2000 to use towards the promotion of healthy eating in their school*. Healthy Eating Healthy Action 

List the ways in which you can plan a project for your class to provide healthy eating food and have $50 to spend for this.

Here is the evidence of us thinking and relating to others.